Monday, August 05, 2024

Oh, the horror…

Legal AI could force a rethink of the billable hour

For now, most lawyers say they are optimistic about the impact on margins and revenues of adopting technology that can summarise, search, draft and review. Many are hoping for productivity gains that will help them do more — and sell more — billable work.

But there will be losers too. A third of UK law firms polled by PwC think generative AI will have a negative impact on profits and margins. AI might reduce one of the biggest firms’ competitive advantages, namely having large numbers of junior staff who can be deployed on large, complex lawsuits and transactions.


Professors Currently Teaching AI & Law-Related Courses

Via LawSites Professors Currently Teaching AI & Law-Related Courses (136) – Only group members can view professor and course details. Table format including Headshot; Name; Title & Organization; AI & the Law-Related Course(s).

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