Friday, August 09, 2024

I wonder how many individuals purchased “reimburse all my expenses if the show is canceled” insurance?

Taylor Swift cancellations deal blow to insurers, sources say

Insurers face millions of dollars in claims after a foiled attack forced three Taylor Swift concerts in Austria to be cancelled, though several providers will share out the hit, two people involved in insurance for her tour told Reuters.

The concerts in Vienna were cancelled this week after a planned attack at the Ernst Happel Stadium. Some 195,000 "Swifties" had been expected to attend, with many travelling from abroad for a chance to see the pop superstar.

Barracuda Music, the concert organiser, said all tickets would be refunded within 10 days. It could not immediately be reached for comment about insurance arrangements.

Swift is popular among insurers as she rarely cancels concerts, a third insurance source said. Her celebrity and success mean that most specialist event cancellation insurers in London would be involved in covering her tour, one of the sources said. The sources declined to be named, citing client confidentiality.

Working with what they’ve got.

New York AG Issues Guidance on Website Privacy Controls

Kathryn Cahoy, Libbie Canter, Natalie Dugan, and Conor Kane of Covington and Burling write:

The New York Office of Attorney General (OAG) recently published guidance for website privacy controls. Although New York does not have a comprehensive privacy law, business’ privacy-related practices and statements may be subject to New York’s consumer protection laws, which generally prohibit businesses from engaging in deceptive acts and practices. Accordingly, the OAG noted that “statements about when and how website visitors are tracked should be accurate, and privacy controls should work as described.”
Specifically, the OAG stated that representations about privacy controls must be accurate and not misleading, and companies should ensure that privacy controls work properly and as described. The OAG also cautioned against implying that visitors can opt into the use of cookies and similar technologies if that is not the case.

Read more at InsidePrivacy.

Privacy law…

Artificial Intelligence Impacts on Privacy Law

Rand Research Published Aug 8, 2024 -“The European Union (EU)’s Artificial Intelligence (AI) Act is a landmark piece of legislation that lays out a detailed and wide-ranging framework for the comprehensive regulation of AI deployment in the European Union covering the development, testing, and use of AI. This is one of several reports intended to serve as succinct snapshots of a variety of interconnected subjects that are central to AI governance discussions in the United States, in the European Union, and globally. This report, which focuses on AI impacts on privacy law, is not intended to provide a comprehensive analysis but rather to spark dialogue among stakeholders on specific facets of AI governance, especially as AI applications proliferate worldwide and complex governance debates persist. Although we refrain from offering definitive recommendations, we explore a set of priority options that the United States could consider in relation to different aspects of AI governance in light of the EU AI Act.”

Solving the AI copyright kerfuffle? Hardly. Perhaps splitting the path to resolution…

Pueblo artist seeking copyright protection for AI-generated work

… Allen contends that the copyright denial illustrates a common misconception about artificial intelligence programs.

“An AI program cannot create a piece of art of its own accord,” said Allen, who owns a tabletop game company.

“It requires human interaction. There is human authorship involved. (The Copyright Office is) not following the law, and we’re going to prove that.”

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