Friday, June 07, 2024

I want an App that pays my bills with someone else’s money…

AI Tool Lets Small Businesses Make Apps, Just by Telling It What They Need

In its predictions of 2024 workplace trends, website building service Wix suggested that small business leaders should get serious about AI. Given the explosion in AI tech so far, we know that prediction really hit the target, so much so that the company may profit from its own advice.

Wix plans this week to launch an AI tool that sounds genuinely useful for any company that needs to quickly build an app: Wix's tool lets you do this normally technical task just by telling the tool what you want. Those awkward meetings where a deeply non-technical executive waves their hands vaguely and demands an app that "just does this sort of thing" suddenly sound a lot less tricky.

What happens as we use increasingly hallucination based data to train LLMs? (Perhaps we should start a data generating company named ‘Infinite Monkeys?”

AI ‘gold rush’ for chatbot training data could run out of human-written text

Artificial intelligence systems like ChatGPT could soon run out of what keeps making them smarter — the tens of trillions of words people have written and shared online.

A new study released Thursday by research group Epoch AI projects that tech companies will exhaust the supply of publicly available training data for AI language models by roughly the turn of the decade – sometime between 2026 and 2032.

Tools & Techniques.

OpenAI Offers a Peek Inside the Guts of ChatGPT

Today, OpenAI released a new research paper apparently aimed at showing it is serious about tackling AI risk by making its models more explainable. In the paper, researchers from the company lay out a way to peer inside the AI model that powers ChatGPT. They devise a method of identifying how the model stores certain concepts—including those that might cause an AI system to misbehave.

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