Monday, June 03, 2024

Every now and then, a hacker article…

How to Get Past a Paywall to Read an Article for Free

Lifehacker: “Over the past several years, countless websites have added paywalls. If you want to read their articles, you have to sign up and pay a monthly subscription cost. Some sites have a “metered” paywall—meaning you can read a certain number of articles for free before they ask for money—and others have a hard paywall, where you’ll have to pay to read even one article. Paywalls are mostly an thing with news websites, largely because relying on advertising income alone isn’t a viable strategy anymore, and news companies are pursuing more direct revenue sources, like monthly subscriptions. Of course, paywalls aren’t entirely a bad thing—it’s worth it to support journalism you find valuable, so by all means, if you can afford to pay to read articles, you absolutely should. But whether you lost your password, haven’t saved it on your phone, are in a rush, or are just strapped for cash and promise yourself that you’ll subscribe later, there are several ways to bypass paywalls on the internet. You may be able to use some of these methods successfully today, but that could change in the future as websites clamp down on bypass methods. If nothing else, I hope you support the websites that you do read—especially your friendly local news outlet. But if you can’t right now, here are some of the best ways to bypass paywalls online.” [Note – was shut down]

Useful beyond the law school?

AI and Law Courses: Bridging Theory and Practice

Dennis Kennedy, Director of the Center for Law, Technology & Innovation, Michigan State University College of Law via YouTube: “This webinar will guide law professors through the process of crafting a comprehensive 3-credit course on AI and the Law, showcasing how to balance substantive knowledge with hands-on learning experiences. Learn how to enrich your course offerings with cutting-edge AI technologies, ensuring your students are well-equipped for the future of law. Perfect for educators seeking to pioneer AI integration in their legal curriculum. Based on Dennis Kennedy’s approach to AI and the Law classes at Michigan State University.”

I would use a couple of these. Knowing they exist is useful.

14 Free Online Tools You Should Know About

Gizmodo: “When web browsers first began to support apps and interactivity, the functionality was basic and slow—but now online apps can do almost as much as desktop apps can, and, more importantly, these online tools are free. So, if you’ve got a quick computing job that needs doing, you can open up a web browser to get it done—there’s no need to pay for a Windows or macOS utility to download and install. Here are some of our free favorites when it comes to tasks you can quickly do inside a browser tab.”


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