Friday, September 27, 2024

Maury Nichols tells me The ABA has issued a broad, far-reaching Opinion on the use of AI in the legal profession.

Opinion 512


The Digitalist Papers (on AI and Democracy in America) Now Out from Stanford

Here's a full list, with links:

Erik Brynjolfsson, Alex Pentland, Nathaniel Persily, Condoleezza Rice, and Angela Aristidou, Introduction: Artificial Intelligence and Democracy in America

Lawrence Lessig, Protected Democracy

Divya Siddarth, Saffron Huang, and Audrey Tang, A Vision of Democratic AI

Lily Tsai and Sandy Pentland, Rediscovering the Pleasures of Pluralism: The Potential of Digitally Mediated Civic Participation

Sarah Friar and Laura Bisesto, The Potential for AI to Restore Local Community Connectedness, the Bedrock of a Healthy Democracy

Jennifer Pahlka, AI Meets the Cascade of Rigidity

Eric Schmidt, Democracy 2.0

John Cochrane, AI, Society and Democracy: Just Relax

Nathaniel Persily, Misunderstanding AI's Democracy Problem

Eugene Volokh, Generative AI and Political Power

Mona Hamdy, Johnnie Moore, and E. Glen Weyl, Techno-Ideologies of the Twenty-First Century

Reid Hoffman and Greg Beato, Informational GPS

James Manyika, Getting AI Right: A 2050 Thought Experiment

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