Monday, August 12, 2024

If public records must be private what about the reverse?

Public records data must be off-limits for AI

Companies are looking for innovative ways to collect data to feed their data-hungry artificial intelligence systems and create innovative applications. Fortunately, some do not have to go too far.

Then, there are the companies that collect data from public records to share on the internet and run analytics.

First, public records are neither free from biases nor representative. Outcomes from the systems trained on such data are not likely to be entirely fair.

How to abuse AI for fun and profit?

Taxonomy of Generative AI Misuse

Interesting paper: “Generative AI Misuse: A Taxonomy of Tactics and Insights from Real-World Data:

Generative, multimodal artificial intelligence (GenAI) offers transformative potential across industries, but its misuse poses significant risks. Prior research has shed light on the potential of advanced AI systems to be exploited for malicious purposes. However, we still lack a concrete understanding of how GenAI models are specifically exploited or abused in practice, including the tactics employed to inflict harm. In this paper, we present a taxonomy of GenAI misuse tactics, informed by existing academic literature and a qualitative analysis of approximately 200 observed incidents of misuse reported between January 2023 and March 2024. Through this analysis, we illuminate key and novel patterns in misuse during this time period, including potential motivations, strategies, and how attackers leverage and abuse system capabilities across modalities (e.g. image, text, audio, video) in the wild.

Blog post. Note the graphic mapping goals with strategies.


The 2024 Gartner AI Hype Cycle

Chris Howard, Gartner's chief of research, explains the Hype Cycle for Artificial Intelligence, saying that AI continues to be one of the most dominant topics Gartner covers.

"There's a trigger that happens, and people become interested in this technology; it reaches a Peak of Inflated Expectations and eventually comes off of that peak into the Tropic Disillusionment, where the work happens. Then, we might reach the plateau of productivity. And the AI Hype Cycle is how fast things are moving through it, partially because of the amount of investment that's been happening over the last year and a half, two years. Now, GenAI, as you're probably feeling, generative AI, is past the Peak of Inflated Expectations and starting to go into the trough," he explained.

He further explained that the Trough of Disillusionment is not dark or dangerous, but rather "the place where we figure out how to make something work or not, what it is, or not, where the hard work takes place, where the other dependencies are and so on."

American researcher and professor Donald Norman said, "Things get easier to use by becoming more complex inside."

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