Saturday, August 24, 2024

Cheat better?

How to Avoid Sounding Like AI in Your Writing

Whether you use AI to support you when writing your work is entirely your choice. However, very little is more frustrating than your human-written work being flagged as potential AI content when, in fact, you wrote every word yourself.

As an academic proofreader and ex-English teacher, I have become familiar with various ways you can adapt your writing to avoid sounding like an AI bot. Here are some of my best tips.

Tools & Techniques. (Time to start playing?)

These Formerly Paywalled AI Tools Are Now Available For Free Users

AI is prevalent in some circles, but the general population doesn't know or care about these tools. Several of the largest AI companies have changed tactics to get more users on board. Let's check out which formerly paywalled AI tools are now usable for free.

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