Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Are we free to speak only the truth?


Missouri AG’s legal war against Media Matters shot down by federal judge

A federal judge ordered Missouri's attorney general to halt an investigation into Media Matters for America, a nonprofit journalism organization that earned Elon Musk's wrath when it published an article showing that Musk's X platform placed advertisements next to pro-Nazi posts.

Mehta had issued a similar order against Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton a few months earlier. Mehta filed a memorandum opinion on August 23 describing the reasons for granting Media Matters' request for an injunction against Bailey.

Useful if you are considering a new browser…


What is PrivacyTests.org?

Most web browsers leak your identity and your browsing history, but some browsers are more leaky than others. The goal of PrivacyTests.org is to understand in detail: what data is each web browser leaking? Which web browsers offer the best privacy protections [brave, chrone, duckduckgo, edge, firefox, librewold, mullvad, opera, safari, tor, ungoogled, vivaldi?] PrivacyTests.org is an open-source initiative that subjects popular web browsers to a suite of automated tests. These tests are designed to audit web browsers’ privacy properties in an unbiased manner. The results of the tests are made public to help users make an informed choice about which browser to use, and to encourage browser makers to fix leaks of private user data.”

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