Friday, June 28, 2024

Everything you ever wanted to know, hoovered into one list.

Generative AI Resources 2024

Via LLRX – Generative AI Resources 2024 Referencing an article in this month’s Georgetown Law Technology Review, “…traditional AI algorithms normally operate by carrying out a specific function or completing a task using a data set that contains information on how that function or task has previously been done In other words, traditional AI is able to follow a set of rules, make predictions, or utilize instructions to complete a task; but it is not creating anything new in doing so. Generative AI (GAI) has the ability to create something new, specifically new content.” Marcus P. Zillman new resource guide spans subject matters including law, economics, education, information technology, planning and strategic deployment and use of GAI, as well a best practices and governance.

Nineteen fiftieths


On June 25, 2024, Governor McKee transmitted without signature H 7787 and S 2500, the Rhode Island Data Transparency and Privacy Protection Act (RIDTPPA), making Rhode Island the nineteenth state overall and the seventh state in 2024 to enact a comprehensive privacy law. The law will take effect on January 1, 2026, and the majority of its substantive provisions will apply to entities that control or process personal data of either 35,000+ Rhode Islanders or 10,000+ Rhode Islanders if the entity derives 20% or more of its gross revenue from selling personal data. As another iteration of the Washington Privacy Act (WPA) framework, this law includes familiar terminology and core obligations, such as: controller/processor responsibilities allocated by role; the core individual data rights of access, correction, deletion, portability, and opt-out; and opt-in consent for processing sensitive data.

A tool for comparisons.

Can't Decide Which AI Chatbot Is Best? Poe Says Use Them All

The AI chat platform Poe was born out of the notion that one single AI model will never be perfect for everything. Launched by Q&A platform Quora to the public in February 2023, Poe lets you ask questions of, get answers from, and have conversations with multiple AI-powered bots.

1. Unbelievable.

2. Cruel and unusual punishment?

3. I thought the goal was to keep criminals away from society…

4. What if they like it?

Scientists unveil implant for prisoners to show them 'memories' from their victim's perspective

With the recent advancements in technology, it's becoming incredible what scientists are now able to achieve.

While that is pretty scary for a lot of folks, there's no doubt we are entering the realms of the future.

And certainly proving that is the fact that a scientist has unveiled a concept for a prison of the future that he says would fast-track a criminal's release to minutes, rather than years or even decades.

Known as Cognify, the design would implant synthetic memories of a person's crime into their brain.

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