Monday, April 01, 2024

One of many?

Missouri's 'Taylor Swift Act' targets AI image threats

The Innovation and Technology Committee is planning to vote on the Taylor Swift Act, a bill aiming to make it illegal to publish or threaten to publish AI-generated sexually explicit images of people.

The bill would allow victims of the fake image attacks to sue the creator in civil court and recover the offending images.


AI Poses a Serious Threat to the Legal Profession. It Also Presents an Extraordinary Opportunity.

… Law firms are already experimenting with generative AI tools designed to handle the kind of tasks that traditionally have been assigned to younger associates: basic research, initial drafting, document review, contract analysis, and redlining. Some applications can review and summarize thousands of pages of material in just minutes.

Forrester, a market research group, has predicted that almost 80 percent of jobs in the legal sector will be significantly reshaped by AI technology. Goldman Sachs has predicted that 44 percent of legal tasks could be automated using AI tools. In his 2023 Year-End Report on the Federal Judiciary, Chief Justice Roberts discussed the rapid emergence of AI as a dramatic example of the continuing impact of ever-evolving technology on the judiciary and the legal profession.

Automation will dramatically increase the productivity of senior attorneys, law clerks, and judges using AI tools. But what of the younger attorneys displaced by automation or never hired due to automation? How is the next generation of senior attorneys, law clerks, and judges to be trained if the work that has traditionally been used to train them is now performed by a machine?

And how can law school students, and prospective law school students hope to pursue their chosen career now that ChatGPT has passed the Uniform Bar Examination with flying colors, and has earned passing marks on four different law school exams? Indeed, how can any member of the legal profession hope to survive, much less thrive as a professional, in the face of the onrushing AI tsunami?

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