Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Imagine all that computer time wasted on my search for ‘beer near me.’

Each Facebook User is Monitored by Thousands of Companies

By now most internet users know their online activity is constantly tracked. No one should be shocked to see ads for items they previously searched for, or to be asked if their data can be shared with an unknown number of “partners.”

But what is the scale of this surveillance? Judging from data collected by Facebook and newly described in a unique study by non-profit consumer watchdog Consumer Reports, it’s massive, and examining the data may leave you with more questions than answers.

Using a panel of 709 volunteers who shared archives of their Facebook data, Consumer Reports found that a total of 186,892 companies sent data about them to the social network. On average, each participant in the study had their data sent to Facebook by 2,230 companies. That number varied significantly, with some panelists’ data listing over 7,000 companies providing their data.

Once AI moves to the dark side, it stays there!


How hard would it be to train an AI model to be secretly evil? As it turns out, according to AI researchers, not very — and attempting to reroute a bad apple AI's more sinister proclivities might backfire in the long run.

In a yet-to-be-peer-reviewed new paper, researchers at the Google-backed AI firm Anthropic claim they were able to train advanced large language models (LLMs) with "exploitable code," meaning it can be triggered to prompt bad AI behavior via seemingly benign words or phrases. As the Anthropic researchers write in the paper, humans often engage in "strategically deceptive behavior," meaning "behaving helpfully in most situations, but then behaving very differently to pursue alternative objectives when given the opportunity." If an AI system were trained to do the same, the scientists wondered, could they "detect it and remove it using current state-of-the-art safety training techniques?"

Could be useful.

AI in NC schools: DPI says teachers and students should use it, provides guidance on how

The department recommends AI use in all K-12 grade levels.

The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction has released guidance for educators on how to use artificial intelligence in the classroom. North Carolina is the fourth state in the nation to issue directives for how students and teachers using tools like ChatGPT in schools.

Generative artificial intelligence is playing a growing and significant role in our society," said State Superintendent Catherine Truitt. Students need to be taught how to use artificial intelligence in an economy and society that will increasingly use it and expect workers to use it, she said.

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