Wednesday, November 09, 2022

An update on the Privacy Foundation Seminar: Privacy Issues in AI & Machine Learning

Friday, November 18th,  10:00 AM to 1:00 PM

This information will assist lawyers in complying with the recent amendment to the comments to Rule 1.1 of the Model Rules of Professional Conduct—Lawyer Competence—to “… keep abreast of changes in the law and its practice, including the benefits and risks associated with relevant technology …”

A discussion of the current privacy concerns in developing and implementing AI and ML systems including required notice, consent, length of storage, access, transfer of employee and customer PII (Personally Identifiable Information) will then follow. The effect the FTC Rule Making dealing with transfer of Personal Data, will also be discussed.

Please register here: Privacy Seminar Registration

At last! A use for AI that I can fully support!

say 'carlsberg' and this AI-powered billboard will give out free beer in vietnam

The campaign kicks off with an interactive billboard set up in a public space, displaying a localized phonetic spelling of the Danish brand. Then, equipped with a voice-activated tap, it dispenses beer whenever someone can get the name right. The team at Happiness Saigon made the interaction possible through a customized AI system that uses voice inputs from hundreds of people pronouncing ‘Car-z-berg.’ From these inputs, it trains itself to recognize the most accurate entries possible.

How accurate do you need to be? How do you confirm that ‘little brother’s’ video isn’t in fact ‘big brother?’

How does Instagram’s new age verification work?

Instagram is using age-estimation technology from software company Yoti to verify users’ ages. Users can upload a video of themselves that will be analysed by the technology.

Yoti says its technology is accurate to within 1.36 years for six to 12 year olds and 1.52 years for 13 to 19 year olds. The tech cannot identify anything else about people than their age, and Yoti deletes images immediately after use.

...and we will tell your fortune: ‘Your bank account is going to get smaller…”

Amazon is bringing palm-reading checkout stands to D-FW Whole Foods

Tools & Techniques. This might work for my class lectures or training manuals.

How to Create Your First Audiobook: A Basic Guide

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