Monday, September 07, 2020

Like Census data, but updated constantly.

AU: Amazon’s deal with Vector will let it see inside your home through your electricity meter

Daniel Ziffer reports:

Intimate data about the private lives of millions of Australians will be analysed and monetised by a partnership between a New Zealand company and a subsidiary of the world’s biggest retailer, Amazon.

Smart meters deliver information about household power use and are being installed at a rate of 12,000 a month as the electricity grid juggles a boom in household solar with a nationally linked network of generators and users.

The data goes far beyond how much power you use in a certain time of day — revealing things like the number of televisions you have, the age of your fridge and other appliances, and the number of people in your home.

Read more on ABC (AU).

I like lists. Some of these I don’t remember, some I’ve deliberately forgotten.

100 Websites That Shaped The Internet As We Know It

… What does a spot on this list mean? It certainly doesn’t mean “best.” A number of sites on this list are cesspools now and always have been. We’re not even sure the internet was a good idea — we’ll need another few decades before we come to any conclusions. In this case, we set out to rank the websites — not apps (like Instagram), not services (like PayPal) — that influenced the very nature of the internet, changed the world, stole ideas better than anyone, pioneered a genre, or were just really important to us.

Tools & techniques

Machine Learning With SQL — It’s Easier Than You Think

What to do when Python is not an option. Code included.


Unlimited Free Hosting and Domain

Great for a Portfolio, Starting a Blog, Freelancing, or Business

… I want to share some cool resources that will help you get a web portfolio for free.

Dilbert may not have “reasonable doubt” exactly right.

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