Sunday, October 27, 2019

Can humans pass the Turing test?
Artificial intelligence as a subject of law: pros and cons
Abstract: The article deals with the analysis of the recognition of artificial intelligence systems as subjects of law. The article substantiates the assertion that at the moment there are no objective criteria for recognition or refusal to recognize something by the subject of law. The author comes to the conclusion that formally artificial intelligence can be recognized as a subject of law in a similar way to the legal capacity of a legal entity. Due to the existing differences between the properties of man and the intellectual system, humanity does not have an obligation to recognize such systems as the subject of law.

An undergrad paper.
Ethics and Workplace Automation

Building an AI substitute for God?
Spiritualities, ethics, and implications of human enhancement and artificial intelligence
Setting the stage for conversations about human enhancement, artificial intelligence, and spirituality
7. Cyborg clergy and bionic Popes: An analysis of technological human enhancement from a Roman Catholic bioethical perspective
11. Three theologies that influence how we view AI, technology, and the world

Something I should start using?

Another math tool for my toolbox.
Robocompass - A Robotic Geometry Box
Robocompass is ... an online tool for graphing and drawing just like I did with a pencil and compass when I was in high school. But Robocompass is neater (no pencil smudges) and has a function for playing back the steps of creating a graph or chart.
Robocompass lets students save their work directly into their Google Drive accounts. Students who don't use Google Drive can share their work by providing a direct link to their work or by embedding it into a blog post or web page.

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