Saturday, September 14, 2019

Slow day. At least this article is interesting.

Another perspective.
10 reasons why the GDPR is the opposite of a ‘notice and consent’ type of law
… A ‘notice and consent’ framework puts all the burden of protecting privacy and obtaining fair use of personal data on the person concerned, who is asked to ‘agree’ to an endless text of ‘terms and conditions’ written in exemplary legalese, without actually having any sort of choice other than ‘all or nothing’ (agree to all personal data collection and use or don’t obtain access to this service or webpage). The GDPR is anything but a ‘notice and consent’ type of law.
There are many reasons why this is the case, and I could go on and get lost into the minutiae of it. Instead, I’m listing 10 high level reasons, explained in plain language, to the best of my knowledge:

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