Sunday, April 29, 2018

For my Computer Security students. Does anyone operate in only one state if they use the Internet?
MintzLevin has updated its state data breach law matrix, as I noted previously on the page where I link to such resources.
Most expedient time and without unreasonable delay

There’s some truth to this and it’s worth discussing with my students. Think FBI and encryption backdoors.
From the #MustLoveFOIA dept.:
Mike Maharrey writes:
Sometimes I think there is some central office somewhere writing scripts for police departments to read when they need to oppose (support) something. No matter what city or state, or what issue we’re talking about, police arguments are almost exactly the same.
If this happens (or doesn’t happen) criminals will have free rein and officers will die in the streets.”
Seriously, that’s barely even hyperbole.
I heard a variation on this theme at my court hearing last week.
Yes. I went to court.
If you haven’t heard, the City of Lexington, Kentucky, sued me. Why? Because I asked the wrong questions.
Read more on Tenth Amendment Center.

For my students, since we talk about Amazon a lot.
Jeff Bezos reveals what it’s like to build an empire and become the richest man in the world — and why he's willing to spend $1 billion a year to fund the most important mission of his life
I picked books because there were more items in the book category than in any other category. And so you could build universal selection. There were three million in 1994 when I was pulling this idea together, three million different books active in print at any given time. The largest physical bookstores only had about 150 000 different titles. And so I could see how you could make a bookstore online with universal selection. Every book ever printed, even the out-of-print ones was the original vision for the company. So that's why books.

Netflix Could Soon Pass Disney in Market Value
Any week now, a company that has been streaming movies and shows for barely a decade will surpass in market value the storied owner of Hollywood’s most profitable film studio, the world’s most lucrative theme parks, prosperous television and cable networks, and thriving story franchises like Star Wars and Marvel.

So is it worth $119?
Amazon Prime prices are going up — here's what you get for $119 a year
  • Benefits of the program, which started in 2005 and now has 100 million members, fall into 5 basic categories: shipping, shopping, streaming, reading, and various extras.
  • The price goes up from $99 to $119 on May 11.

“Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.” And then there’s Wally.

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