Thursday, September 15, 2016

We don’t need to hack every voting machine to impact the election.  What if there is a major data leak shortly before the election that includes some carefully falsified emails, could it influence the election?  Have these early leaks been setting the stage? 
Hackers are already shaping U.S. election coverage with data leaks
   Case in point: On Tuesday, stolen emails from former secretary of state Colin Powell became headline news after a mysterious site with possible ties to Russian cyber spies gave them to the press.  Since then, media outlets have been pointing out juicy details found in the emails.  For example, Powell called Clinton “greedy” and her rival Donald Trump a “national disgrace.”

(Related) Because, hey…
Email Is Forever - and It's Not Private
"Dance like no one is watching; email like it may one day be read aloud in a deposition." - @Olivianuzzi, December 13, 2014
This “post-Sony attack” tweet from Olivia Nuzzi of The Daily Beast should have been framed and hung as motivational artwork on every office wall.  Instead, a year and a half and numerous publicized email hacks later, it stands to remind us that people will continue to get caught with their pants down because they refuse to accept two simple certainties: Email is forever; and forever is a long time to keep anything truly secure.

Goes to both Governance and Architecture.
Supply Chain Cyber Risk: Your Digital Shadow is Getting Longer
Many of the most high-profile breaches have been a result of weak links in an organization’s supply chain.  The cyber attacks on Target, Home Depot and the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) are just a few examples.
In an era when organizations are sharing increasing volumes of digital information with suppliers and providing them access to their networks, this shouldn’t come as a surprise.  Sophisticated adversaries are finding vulnerabilities wherever they can, and often that means looking to an organization’s partners for weaknesses in defenses.  Using the partner as a ‘stepping stone,’ they gain access to their ultimate target.

Inevitable, I suppose.  
Justin Huggler reports:
woman in Austria is suing her parents to force them to remove childhood pictures of her from Facebook, in the first case of its kind in the country.
The 18-year-old woman, who has not been named under Austrian privacy laws, said the pictures were embarrassing and a violation of her privacy.
“They knew no shame and no limits,” she told Austria’s Heute newspaper.  “They didn’t care if I was sitting on the toilet or lying naked in the cot, every moment was photographed and made public.”
Read more on The Telegraph.

This is how a large portion of America uses the Internet.  What did they expect?
After Users Watch Porn, New York City Removes Web Browsing from LinkNYC Kiosks
New York City hadn’t even finished setting up all its kiosks by the time people started using them to watch pornography in public.
To date, the city’s Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications (DOITT) has set up about 400 — short of the 500 it originally wanted to have installed by the end of July, en route to an eventual fleet of 7,500.  The kiosks spread free gigabit-speed WiFi, helping to connect the unconnected.
They also have tablets that people were able to use for various functions, including surfing the Internet.  And therein lay the problem.  According to the New York Post, some people were using the feature for purposes the late U.S. Supreme Court Justice William Brennan might have described as “appealing to prurient interest.”

(Related) Maybe they were just looking for some privacy.  (Actually, an interesting read.)

How could they pass up so much blood in the water?
Wells Fargo reportedly being investigated by federal prosecutors

For my students, who should begin thinking like CIOs.   
Bonuses, stocks, perks lift CIO compensation
   The median pay among the 25 CIOs is $2.3 million. 
Browse the highlights of CIO pay in our sortable chart.  For specific details on each CIO’s pay package, see our slideshow.

You are hereby encouraged to learn.
The Research Process – Government Sources
by Sabrina I. Pacifici on Sep 14, 2016
Rob Lopresti, Western Washington University – “At Western Washington University, librarians take turns teaching Library 201, Introduction to Research Strategies.  It is a 4 credit GUR course (General University Requirement; each student must take some GURs, but not all of them.)  We just created a free electronic textbook for the course.  It is very much geared to Western’s students and resources, but any school is welcome to borrow/build/steal the contents.  I wrote Chapter 7, Government Information:

For a few geeks I know.
Configure Your Raspberry Pi Installation With PiBakery

Well, I find it amusing.

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