Monday, February 15, 2010

When the Swiss make threats, they really roll out the heavy artillery!

Swiss MP threatens fire with fire over bank data

February 14, 2010 by admin

When diplomacy fails, play hardball.

A Swiss member of parliament alleged Saturday that top German public officials had secret bank accounts in Switzerland and threatened to out them if Germany bought stolen data on tax dodgers.

”If Germany buys stolen bank data, we’ll push for a legislative change that would have to disclose all Swiss accounts of German people who hold public office,” MP Alfred Heer of the right-wing Swiss People’s Party told daily Bild.

He said information from Swiss banking circles indicated that German politicians, officials and judges had offshore account in Switzerland and Liechtenstein designed to avoid tax.

Read more in The Local (De)

A video well worth watching. Integration of maps (and arial photos) with your photos and video.

Bing Maps Wows 'Em At TED2010

Posted by CmdrTaco on Sunday February 14, @09:06AM

theodp writes

"In an eye-candy filled presentation that earned him a standing-O at TED2010, Blaise Aguera y Arcas demos augmented-reality mapping technology from Microsoft. In his eight minute spiel, an extension of a shorter tech preview video, the Bing Maps architect shows how geo-tagged Flickr images can be precisely incorporated into streetside views, demonstrates indoor panoramas at Pike Place Market complete with live video overlays, and even takes the audience into space with Microsoft's Worldwide Telescope. "

This is a really exciting video and worth your 8 minutes.

Tips & Tricks

7 Ways To Become More Productive With Firefox Tabs

For my Statistics class. (Specifically, my “How to lie with statistics” lecture) I know that we are warmer than we were during the Revolutionary War (when Benedict Arnold hauled cannon across the frozen Hudson River into New York) But this better fits historical accounts of earlier warm periods.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

'Climategate' expert Phil Jones Admits Medieval Warm Period May Have Been as Warm or Warmer Than Present

This is a startling confession from 'Climategate' expert Phil Jones, The BBC is reporting Jones agrees two recent historic warm periods are similar to today and he can't say the Medieval Warm Period wasn't even warmer than today. Of course, the infamous 'Hockey stick' temperature graph doesn't show this historic warming. The data was cooked smoothed and truncated to eliminate these warm periods and accentuate the modern instrumental temperature record. Here is the 'Hockey stick.'

Here is the data without artificial adjustments.

(Related) The argument was that if arctic ice melted, the polar bears would not be able to hunt walruses resting on the ice. Perhaps the walruses will rest on land instead?

Saturday, February 13, 2010

ClimateGate 2008: Media Assisted Polar Bear Hysteria: Polar Bears Vanishing? Uh, no. And the Senate Knows it:

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