Monday, June 01, 2009

A technological solution to a problem that doesn't exist? In the US, we just flunk them...

University Gives Away iPhones To Curb Truancy

Posted by timothy on Monday June 01, @12:18AM from the give-me-lobster-and-I-won't-skip-dinner dept.

Norsefire writes "A Japanese University is giving away iPhones to its students to use the phones' GPS functionality to catch students who skip classes. The University claims students currently fake attendance by having other students answer for them during rollcall, they also said that while this can be abused by giving other students the phone, they are much less likely to do this due to the personal information, such as email, a phone generally contains."

“When we said we'd never do that again, what we meant was we will do that again when we think you're not looking.”

Time Warner ToS Changes Could Mean Tiered Pricing, Throttling

Posted by timothy on Sunday May 31, @03:33PM from the testing-what-the-market-will-bear dept. Television Businesses The Almighty Buck The Internet

Mirell writes

"Time Warner Cable has recently changed their Terms of Service, so that they are allowed to charge you at their discretion via consumption-based billing. They were shot down a few months ago after raising the wrath of many subscribers and several politicians. Now they're trying again, but since they make exclusions for their own voice and video not to count against the cap, this could draw the attention of the FCC."

This is typical government. No one will see us digging the trench – we're invisible!

When Your Backhoe Cuts "Black" Fiber

Posted by timothy on Sunday May 31, @09:09PM from the careful-with-that-thing dept. The Internet Government Technology

bernieS writes

"The Washington Post describes what happens when a construction backhoe accidentally cuts buried fiber so secret that it doesn't appear on public maps — and what happens when the Men in Black SUV's appear out of nowhere. Apparently, the numerous secret fiber and utility lines used by government intelligence agencies are being dug up with increasing frequency with all the increased construction projects in the DC area. It's amazing how quickly they get repaired!"

One for the Swiss Army folder. 'Cause you never know what might make the students “get it”

WidGenie: Provides Widgets For Presenting Data Visually

Data in its raw form does not make sense to everybody. If you are like me, you would want to see data visually through a chart or a graph to understand it better. WidGenie allows you to do just that. You can upload your data (excel spreadsheets or CSV file) from the local drive or feed it from sources like Google Docs.

For my soon-to-be-ex students. Remember, I get 10% of everything you make...

May 31, 2009

Job Searcher's Guide to Online Job Sites

From the World Privacy Forum: "This guide to online job sites, Job Searcher's Guide to Online Job Sites, is a list of the top job searching sites online. This list gives information about the privacy practices at each site. Because resumes contain such detailed personal and professional information, it is well worth caring about how job search sites handle privacy issues. This guide is updated monthly, and we add new information to the guide monthly."

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