Saturday, November 25, 2023

Should we think of this as a more elaborate prompt?

Can GenAI Do Strategy?

To many people, the idea that AI can be a source of new ideas sounds counterintuitive. After all, ChatGPT essentially just collates and processes the sum total of all the answers to a question that people have already come up with. It seems almost inevitable that ChatGPT’s strategic advice would simply parrot the most common solutions to a problem in a sort of reversion to the mean.

The reason why that isn’t inevitable became apparent when Wolfram linked ChatGPT to its Mathematica software. When people first tried to use ChatGPT to solve math problems, they quickly found that it wasn’t very good at math problems because it primarily relies on language recognition. Although the AI could write a good university motivation letter, perhaps, it sure couldn’t come up with an original proof for Pythagoras’s theorem.

But that changed as soon as people cross-connected GPT to Wolfram’s software, and the AI proved able to solve complex math showing progress step-by-step. Inspired by that, we wondered what would happen if we cross-connected ChatGPT to a strategic framework. What we’ve discovered is that the virtual strategist turns out to be quite original, and certainly deserves a place on your company’s team.

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