Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Which US political party has the best AI techies?

How AI shaped Milei's path to Argentina presidency

In the final weeks of campaigning, Argentine President-elect Javier Milei published a fabricated image depicting his Peronist rival Sergio Massa as an old-fashioned communist in military garb, his hand raised aloft in salute.

The apparently AI-generated image drew some 3 million views when Milei posted it on a social media account, highlighting how the rival campaign teams used artificial intelligence technology to catch voters' attention in a bid to sway the race.

The use of increasingly accessible AI tech in political campaigning is a global trend, tech and rights specialists say, raising concerns about the potential implications for important upcoming elections in countries including the United States, Indonesia, and India next year.

A slew of new "generative AI" tools such as Midjourney are making it cheap and easy to create fabricated pictures and videos.


The Limits of AI: Why ChatGPT Isn’t Truly “Intelligent”

The intent of Chemero’s paper is to stress that the LLMs are not intelligent in the way humans are intelligent because humans are embodied: Living beings who are always surrounded by other humans and material and cultural environments.

This makes us care about our own survival and the world we live in,” he says, noting that LLMs aren’t really in the world and don’t care about anything.

Reference: “LLMs differ from human cognition because they are not embodied” by Anthony Chemero, 20 November 2023, Nature Human Behaviour. DOI: 10.1038/s41562-023-01723-5


What the data says about Americans’ views of artificial intelligence

Pew Research Center surveys show that Americans are increasingly cautious about the growing role of AI in their lives generally. Today, 52% of Americans are more concerned than excited about AI in daily life, compared with just 10% who say they are more excited than concerned; 36% feel a mix of excitement and concern.

Probably not everything, but a start. (And something to hang on the wall?)

9 Problems with Generative AI, in One Chart

In the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence, generative AI tools are demonstrating incredible potential. However, their potential for harm is also becoming more and more apparent.

Together with our partner VERSES, we have visualized some concerns regarding generative AI tools using data from a variety of different sources.


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