Sunday, April 09, 2023

I suppose ‘why not’ is insufficient?

Introduction: Why AI Ethics?

This chapter introduces the approach of the book towards the ethics of artificial intelligence. A brief overview of artificial intelligence is given with an outline of how heated debates about ethical issues can arise. Some different strategies for addressing these issues are outlined. The mere imposition of regulations and rules does not constitute a good approach to ethics, which should encompass many considerations, including the best ways to live. Ethical discussions should embrace contrasting voices, and we need to recognise that the very technologies in question may shape how we think about ethics. AI raises a large variety of ethical questions related to many factors, including the range of domains in which it is applied, the speed of development, its embeddedness in much everyday technology, and the ways in which it is acting to modify and transform the manner in which we interact with each other and the world. AI ethics also requires us to think deeply about the nature of ethics and about ourselves. The book will include considerations of methodology in ethics, ethical theories and concepts, cases and exercises, and the need for both bottom-up and top-down thinking.

Interpreting very large volumes of data to answer questions. Sound familiar?

The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence for Intelligence Analysis: a Review of the Key Challenges with Recommendations

Intelligence agencies have identified artificial intelligence (AI) as a key technology for maintaining an edge over adversaries. As a result, efforts to develop, acquire, and employ AI capabilities for purposes of national security are growing. This article reviews the ethical challenges presented by the use of AI for augmented intelligence analysis. These challenges have been identified through a qualitative systematic review of the relevant literature. The article identifies five sets of ethical challenges relating to intrusion, explainability and accountability, bias, authoritarianism and political security, and collaboration and classification, and offers a series of recommendations targeted at intelligence agencies to address and mitigate these challenges.

Ethics by trial and error.

Ethics of Artificial Intelligence in Society

Every day, artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming more prevalent as new technologies are presented to the public with the intent of integrating them into society. However, these systems are not perfect and are known to cause failures that impact a multitude of people. The purpose of this study is to explore how ethical guidelines are followed by AI when it is being designed and implemented in society. Three ethics theories, along with nine ethical principles of AI, and the Agent, Deed, Consequence (ADC) model were investigated to analyze failures involving AI. When a system fails to follow the models listed, a set of refined ethical principles are created. By analyzing the failures, an understanding of how similar incidents may be prevented was gained. Additionally, the importance of ethics being a part of AI programming was demonstrated, followed by recommendations for the future incorporation of ethics into AI. The term “failure” is specifically used throughout the paper because of the nature in which the events involving AI occur. The events are not necessarily “accidents” since the AI was intended to act in certain ways, but the events are also not “malfunctions” because the AI examples were not internally compromised. For these reasons, the much broader term “failure” is used.

Keep legal decisions murky.

The black box problem revisited. Real and imaginary challenges for automated legal decision making

This paper addresses the black-box problem in artificial intelligence (AI), and the related problem of explainability of AI in the legal context. We argue, first, that the black box problem is, in fact, a superficial one as it results from an overlap of four different – albeit interconnected – issues: the opacity problem, the strangeness problem, the unpredictability problem, and the justification problem. Thus, we propose a framework for discussing both the black box problem and the explainability of AI. We argue further that contrary to often defended claims the opacity issue is not a genuine problem. We also dismiss the justification problem. Further, we describe the tensions involved in the strangeness and unpredictability problems and suggest some ways to alleviate them.


Writing Science Fiction as an Inspiration for AI Research and Ethics Dissemination

In this chapter we look at science fiction from a perspective that goes beyond pure entertainment. Such literary gender can play an important role in bringing science closer to society by helping to popularize scientific knowledge and discoveries while engaging the public in debates which, in turn, can help direct scientific development towards building a better future for all. Written based on a tutorial given by the first author at ACAI 2021, this chapter addresses, in its first part, how science and science fiction can inspire each other and, in its second part, how science fiction can be used as an educational tool in teaching ethics of AI and robotics. Each of the two parts is supplemented with sections containing the questions asked by the audience during the tutorial as well as the provided answers.


The Data Revolution: A Comprehensive Survey on Datafication

Datafication has emerged as a key driver of the digital economy, enabling businesses, governments, and individuals to extract value from the growing flood of data. In this comprehensive survey, we explore the various dimensions of datafication, including the technologies, practices, and challenges involved in turning information into structured data for analysis and decision-making. We begin by providing an overview of the historical context and the rise of big data, and then delve into the latest developments in artificial intelligence and machine learning. We examine the key drivers of datafication across industries and sectors, and explore the ethical, legal, and social implications of the data revolution. Finally, we consider the challenges and opportunities presented by datafication, including issues of data privacy and security, the need for new skills and competencies, and the potential for data to drive innovation and social change. Overall, this survey provides a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of the datafication landscape, helping readers to better understand and navigate the rapidly-evolving world of data.

Tools & Techniques.

AI Tools for Lawyers: A Practical Guide

This Article provides lawyers and law students with practical and specific guidance on how to effectively use AI large language models (LLMs), like GPT-4, Bing Chat, and Bard, in legal research and writing. Focusing on GPT-4 – the most advanced LLM that is widely available at the time of this writing – it emphasizes that lawyers can use traditional legal skills to refine and verify LLM legal analysis. In the process, lawyers and law students can effectively turn freely-available LLMs into highly productive personal legal assistants.


Role of chatGPT in Law: According to chatGPT

ChatGPT is a language model developed by OpenAI that can provide support to paralegals and legal assistants in various tasks. Some of the uses of ChatGPT in the legal field include legal research, document generation, case management, document review, and client communication. However, ChatGPT also has limitations that must be taken into consideration, such as limited expertise, a lack of understanding context, the risk of bias in its responses, the potential for errors, and the fact that it cannot provide legal advice. While ChatGPT can be a valuable tool for paralegals and legal assistants, it is important to understand its limitations and use it in conjunction with the expertise and judgment of licensed legal professionals. The author acknowledges asking chatGPT questions regarding its uses for law. Some of the uses that it states are possible now and some are potentials for the future. The author has analyzed and edited the replies of chat GPT.

(Related) Want to try it out?

How to Install and Run ChatGPT as a Windows App

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