Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Innovation or evolution?


AI Has Suddenly Evolved to Achieve Theory of Mind

A new study conducted by Michal Kosinski, a computational psychologist from Stanford University, used several iterations of OpenAI’s GPT neural network—from GPT-1 to the latest GPT-3.5—to perform “Theory of Mind” (ToM) tests, a series of experiments first developed in 1978 to measure the complexity of a chimpanzee’s mind to predict the behavior of others.

These tests involve solving normal, mundane scenarios that humans could easily deduce the outcome. For example, one scenario involves mislabeling a bag of popcorn as “chocolate” and then the test asks the AI to infer what the human’s response will be once the bag is opened. Kosinski’s team used “sanity checks” to analyze how well GPT networks understood the scenario and the human’s predicted response. The results were published online on arXiv, the pre-print server.

While early versions of GPT-1, first released in 2018, scored poorly on the test, the neural network showed stunning improvement stretched across different iterations and spontaneously developed “Theory of Mind” capability of a 9-year-old human by November 2022 (the release of the latest GPT-3.5). Kosinski says this could be a “watershed moment” for AI, as the ability to understand and predict human behavior would make these engines much more useful.

The danger is always that leap before you look… FOMO!


From CEOs to Coders, Employees Experiment With New AI Programs

ChatGPT’s release has sparked a rush of early adopters eager to speed up tasks or avoid being left behind

Shortly after the release of OpenAI’s ChatGPT in November, Jeff Maggioncalda, the CEO of online education company Coursera Inc., jumped into the technology to see if it could save him time.

He began using the chatbot to draft company letters and notes, and asked his executive assistant to try the same for drafting replies to his inbound emails She prompts ChatGPT based on how she thinks he would respond, and he edits the answers it generates before sending.

I spend way more time thinking and way less time writing,” Mr. Maggioncalda said. “I don’t want to be the one who doesn’t use it, because someone who is using it is going to have a lot of advantages.”

AI experts caution, however, that such tools should only be used to support people who are already experts in their domain. Generative AI has been shown to spew disturbing content and misinformation, while other concerns have surfaced over intellectual property theft and privacy.

The purpose that it is serving is not to inform you about things you don’t know. It’s really a tool for you to be able to do what you do better,” said Margaret Mitchell, chief ethics scientist at AI research startup Hugging Face.

Forensics. Another tool I had not considered. Like those that undo redactions…


The Insecurity of Photo Cropping

The Intercept has a long article on the insecurity of photo cropping:

One of the hazards lies in the fact that, for some of the programs, downstream crop reversals are possible for viewers or readers of the document, not just the file’s creators or editors. Official instruction manuals, help pages, and promotional materials may mention that cropping is reversible, but this documentation at times fails to note that these operations are reversible by any viewers of a given image or document.
Uncropped versions of images can be preserved not just in Office apps, but also in a file’s own metadata. A photograph taken with a modern digital camera contains all types of metadata. Many image files record text-based metadata such as the camera make and model or the GPS coordinates at which the image was captured. Some photos also include binary data such as a thumbnail version of the original photo that may persist in the file’s metadata even after the photo has been edited in an image editor.

Or turn it into an audio book (see earlier in this blog for how)


Free PDF of Dennis Kennedy’s Innovation Outcomes in Law Book

Dennis Kennedy Blog: “I’ve decided that I want as many people as possible to read my book, Successful Innovation Outcomes in Law: A Practical Guide for Law Firms, Law Departments and Other Legal Organizations, so I’m now making it available as a FREE PDF download – Successful Innovation Outcomes in Law – 2023 PDF Version. If you like the book and PDF is not the best format for you (or you want to support the author), you can still buy the book in paperback and Kindle formats on Amazon. I thought that giving this version of the book away was a great way to celebrate the 20th blogiversary of DennisKennedy.Blog and promote my new Law Department Innovation Library. Enjoy the free book and let everyone you know who might be interested in it (or need it) that it is now available in this Successful Innovation Outcomes in Law – 2023 PDF Version.

Am I editor enough to make AI written stories my own?


ChatGPT launches boom in AI-written e-books on Amazon

Until recently, Brett Schickler never imagined he could be a published author, though he had dreamed about it. But after learning about the ChatGPT artificial intelligence program, Schickler figured an opportunity had landed in his lap.

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