Monday, July 12, 2021

That’s probably why my AI tried to hide this article. But I’m smarter than it is! (No, you’re not.)

"Don't Be Afraid of the Robot That Passes the Turing Test. Be Afraid of the One That Deliberately Fails It."

(Related) Orwellian Barbie?

Future AI toys could be smarter than parents, but a lot less protective

The thought of a child’s toy listening in on a family 24/7 is unsettling. While smart toys can be useful, educational tools for kids, they also pose privacy risks which toy makers and privacy experts are still learning how to balance.

Smart toys made with artificial intelligence, such as machine-learning capabilities, can collect different forms of data from kids. Whether an AI-enabled toy is personalizing lessons based on how fast your kid learns shapes, or a doll is learning your kid’s favorite ice cream flavor, toy experts expect more of these toys to be introduced in the years ahead, even though early missteps and high sales prices have limited consumer interest to date.

As an AI toy starts to learn the child, this means the toy in the next 15 years will be smarter than the parent and gather all this data that could one day hurt the child,” said, singer-songwriter and chair of the World Economic Forum’s Smart Toy Awards’ judging committee, recently speaking at CNBC’s Evolve Global Summit.

Contrast with the “public data is okay to scrape” decisions.

Spreading personal data to become a criminal offence in the Netherlands reports:

The Netherlands is to make ‘doxing’ – sharing personal details such as addresses and telephone numbers on the internet without permission – a criminal offence, justice minister Ferd Grapperhaus has told MPs in a briefing.
The minister has drawn up draft legislation which will impose a maximum sentence of a year in prison on people who provide or disseminate information that identifies a person with the aim of frightening and intimidating them.


Interesting parallels?

Biden Launches Sweeping Action on "Big Tech, Big Pharma, and Big Ag." Can It Be Real?

On Friday, Biden ordered every part of the Federal government - not just the antitrust enforcers - to focus on creating fair competition, using whatever statutory authority they have at their disposal to take on big business in concentrated markets. The executive order he signed touches everything from railroads and shipping to pharmaceuticals and agriculture.

In 1938, Franklin Delano Roosevelt gave a speech to Congress on curbing monopolies. With the looming threat of of Nazi Germany’s growing power, Roosevelt warned Americans of the relationship between concentration and authoritarianism. “The liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than their democratic state itself,” he said. Roosevelt called for the entire government to take on the problem of monopoly, encouraging stronger action on everything from antitrust to bank regulation to the misuse of patents.

Tools & Techniques.

How to Download YouTube Subtitles for Transcripts of Your Favorite Tutorials

Lifehacker: “When you’re taking a course on YouTube or watching a recipe video, there’ll be times when you’ll want to save the spoken content in text so that you can refer to it later…but typing everything yourself is too much of a headache. When you’re stuck in this situation, you can do two things: You can use YouTube’s transcription mode to manually copy and paste relevant parts of the YouTube video into your notes, or you can download the entire video transcript (i.e., its subtitles) in a single file to refer to it later…”

Tools & Techniques. Making my students appear more intelligent.

The Top 14 Email Etiquette Tips You Need to Know

Whether you're a content writer, a marketer, a developer, or a working freelance, email is an integral part of our modern world.

In fact, it is the most standard form of communication among freelancers. Because of this, it is important to learn the best practices and etiquette for sending emails if you want to attract and retain clients.

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