Saturday, July 17, 2021

Are there really people who will not get the vaccine but will buy fake ‘proof’ that they did?

Inside the Weird, Thriving World of Fake Vaccine Cards

For $200, a scammer will even promise to get your info into an official database.

As some venues, businesses, workplaces, and gatherings of all kinds ask for vaccination proof, people who wish to avoid the shot are turning to the black market to buy vaccination documents.

In April, the National Association of Attorneys General asked eBay, Shopify, and Twitter to prevent users from selling counterfeit Centers for Disease Control and Prevention vaccine cards on their platforms. It looks like these companies took it seriously: Searching in early July, I couldn’t find any posts advertised the cards. The New York Times reported in April that the cards were sold on Etsy and Facebook as well. I was able to find one listing on Etsy with blank vaccine cards last week, but several days after, it was unavailable.

What your data is worth to criminals. (Why I’m willing to sell you out.)

Dark Web Price Index 2021

Information in this report reflects data collected on May 9, 2021 and reported by Privacy Affairs. They report their methodology was to: “scan dark web marketplaces, forums, and websites, to create an index of the average prices for a range of specific products.”

Their findings are also compared to what they found in 2020.

You can read their report here.

Regular E-discovery produces lots of data. This event was videoed and live streamed from multiple sources. Is it really important to show all possible views of a participant rather than just a few hundred?

Capitol Siege Prosecutors Lose Bid for Deloitte Help With Data

Bernie Pazanowski reports:

Deloitte Financial Advisory Services LLP is barred from helping federal prosecutors and other government staff sort and organize the huge volumes of electronic data and other evidence it has collected from the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, a federal court in Washington said Friday.
The investigation into the events has generated massive amounts of evidence—the most in American history, according to the government. The evidence ranges from video footage of the attack on the Capitol to social media posts to cell tower data, it said.

Read more on Bloomberg.

(Related) Didn’t the FBI build a phone like this?

Freedom Phone: Anatomy of a MAGA scam

Honestly, I won't be shocked if we eventually find out it's a liberal troll job

Accurately forecasting the future of police robots?

Don’t Let Police Arm Autonomous or Remote-Controlled Robots and Drones

It’s no longer science fiction or unreasonable paranoia. Now, it needs to be said: No, police must not be arming land-based robots or aerial drones. That’s true whether these mobile devices are remote controlled by a person or autonomously controlled by artificial intelligence, and whether the weapons are maximally lethal (like bullets) or less lethal (like tear gas).

Police currently deploy many different kinds of moving and task-performing technologies. These include flying drones, remote control bomb-defusing robots, and autonomous patrol robots. While these different devices serve different functions and operate differently, none of them--absolutely none of them--should be armed with any kind of weapon.

Mission creep is very real. Time and time again, technologies given to police to use only in the most extreme circumstances make their way onto streets during protests or to respond to petty crime.

Improve the digital infrastructure to keep your state competitive?

California’s ambitious fiber-Internet plan approved unanimously by legislature

The California legislature unanimously approved a plan to build a statewide, open-access fiber network yesterday. The legislation was supported by Democrats and Republicans in votes of 78-0 in the California Assembly and 39-0 in the state Senate.

The statewide, open-access fiber lines will function as a "middle-mile network that carries data from Internet backbone networks to connection points in cities and rural areas. A middle-mile network doesn't extend all the way to residential properties, but "last-mile" ISPs can get access to it and focus on building infrastructure that connects the middle mile to homes.


Virginia Gov. Northam announces $700 million plan for universal broadband by 2024

Tools for Math & science…

Add PhET Simulations to Your PowerPoint Slides

PhET is a free resource that has been popular with science and math teachers for many years. PhET provides free interactive math and science simulations covering topics in physics, chemistry, biology, earth science, and mathematics. In the PhET library you'll find simulations appropriate for elementary, middle, high school, and university students. PhET even offers a search tool that will help you find lesson ideas built upon the free simulations.

Dozens of the PhET simulations are available to insert into PowerPoint presentations through the use of PhET's free PowerPoint Add-in. With the Add-in installed you can browse the available simulations and insert them into your slides. The simulations work in your slide just as they do on the PhET website.

Watch my short video ... to learn how to install PowerPoint add-ins.

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