Saturday, December 19, 2020

Soon I’ll have to buy multiple trash cans so the house AI can tell me how to break down my trash for optimum societal benefit. (And then I’ll toss the damn camera into one of the trash cans.)

Here's why some McDonald's restaurants are putting cameras in their dumpsters

Since 2013 his San Francisco-based startup, Compology, has used cameras and artificial intelligence to monitor what's thrown into dumpsters and trash containers at businesses such as McDonald's restaurants and Nordstrom department stores. The point is to make sure dumpsters are actually full before they're emptied and to stop recyclable materials like cardboard from being contaminated by other junk so it, too, doesn't become waste.

"Once we saw the bags of trash go inside the cardboard containers, we sent a notification to the people on site via text message, letting them know that they should remove it before the truck comes the next morning and telling them that putting trash in the recycling container is a form of contamination, which they should not do in the future," he said.

Worthy of a class at the college level? Not if it’s done right.

You can now teach Alexa how to do new things—a baby step toward ‘general’ AI

We are still a very long way from a “general” artificial intelligence—a machine that can learn and comprehend any task or concept a human can. But Amazon is taking a small step toward it with a new feature that lets you teach its Alexa personal assistant how to do new things.

A uniform format makes it easier to grade code (and find errors)

Keeping Your Code Clean With Prettier

Code formatting seems like a trivial subject, but it’s something that can affect the quality and correctness of your code, how it gets version controlled, and how you collaborate with others. If you don’t want to get bogged down in details of where every last brace goes, however, try outsourcing the problem to open-source tool, Prettier.

(For an alternative with much finer-grained control over every last formatting detail, try eslint.)

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