Monday, December 14, 2020

...and more subpoenas.

26 Cyberspace Solarium Commission recommendations likely to become law with NDAA passage

This year’s National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), the annual “must-pass” spending bill that ensures the continued funding of the nation’s military, has a wealth of information security recommendations that come from the bi-partisan, bi-cameral, public-private initiative known as the Cyberspace Solarium Commission (CSC). The CSC was itself established in 2019’s NDAA bill and was asked to come up with a new strategic approach to cybersecurity.

Last spring, the CSC issued a report that offered 82 policy and legislative recommendations to improve cybersecurity. Of those, 26 will likely become law given that both the House and Senate last week passed the bill by overwhelming margins.

One of the hazards of being viewed as an agent of the state.

In India, Facebook Fears Crackdown on Hate Groups Could Backfire on Its Staff

Social media giant’s security team cites possible attacks if extremist Hindu groups are kicked off platform

Always easier (and much cheaper) than retrofit.

Ethics by Design: Steps for the Responsible Use of Technology

From Artificial Intelligence (AI) to Blockchain to Quantum Computing, the explosive growth of new digital technology defines the current Fourth Industrial Revolution. New technologies can be both powerful tools to help organizations in their digital transformation or tools that bring adverse and unwanted ramifications.

Ethics by Design is an organizational approach to responsible use of technology, which details steps organizations can take for the ethical use of technology.

Ethics will be crucial to the success of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The ethical challenges will only continue to grow and become more prevalent as machines advance. Organizations across industries – both private and public – will need to integrate these approaches,” said Kay Firth Butterfield, Head of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), World Economic Forum.

International business leaders now can shape decisions to prompt better and more ethical behavior. The report outlines steps and makes recommendations that have proven more effective than conventional incentives such as compliance training, financial compensation, or penalties.

My AI says that’s not true, but admits not all the answers are correct.

Artificial intelligence can’t answer everything

Despite what you may have read in the media, AI is not going to take away your job. This is because of one simple reason: it is not acceptable to make mistakes that humans consider obvious. AI makes a lot of those. AI makes these mistakes because it has no sense of context. It just has a mechanised way of viewing the world and executing repetitive tasks. So, although AI can be very useful in elevating end-to-end performance, you always need a human to supervise AI systems and make the right calls.


EU rights watchdog warns of pitfalls in use of AI

The European Union’s rights watchdog has warned of the risks of using artificial intelligence in predictive policing, medical diagnoses and targeted advertising as the bloc mulls rules next year to address the challenges posed by the technology.

While AI is widely used by law enforcement agencies, rights groups say it is also abused by authoritarian regimes for mass and discriminatory surveillance. Critics also worry about the violation of people’s fundamental rights and data privacy rules.

The Vienna-based EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) urged policymakers in a report issued on Monday to provide more guidance on how existing rules apply to AI and ensure that future AI laws protect fundamental rights.

[The report:


10 top Artificial Intelligence (AI) trends in 2021

For several reasons, the pandemic only sped up the adoption of AI in the enterprise. Here's what to watch in the year ahead with regard to AI talent, tools, and ethics, and other key issues


The Death and Life of an Admissions Algorithm

Since 2013, the University of Texas at Austins computer science department has used a machine-learning system called GRADE to help make decisions about who gets into its Ph.D. program -- and who doesn’t. This year, the department is phasing it out.

Before the announcement, which the department released in the form of a tweet reply, few had even heard of the program. Now, its critics -- concerned about diversity, equity and fairness in admissions -- say it should never have been used in the first place.

I like lists.

List of Lists – The Best Books of 2020

The Best Books of 2020 posted by Jason Kottke – “As I’m sure it is for many of you, a big part of my “getting the lay of the land” w/r/t books is seeing what my favorite bookstores were putting on their front tables — and that’s been difficult for the past several months. Looking through a bunch of end-of-2020 lists for what books everyone else recommended was especially valuable for me — there really were so so many good books published this year that are worth seeking out. So, here’s a selection of the best books of 2020 and links to the lists I used to find them. I hope you find this useful..”

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