Friday, December 15, 2023

Always educational.

Webinar – Privacy Law in the 21st Century: Past, Present, Future Blog

In case you missed my webinar on Privacy Law in the 21st Century, you can watch the replay here. I had a great discussion with Salomé Viljoen (Michigan Law), Ari Waldman (U.C. Irvine Law), and Margot Kaminski (Colorado Law) about how privacy law has been evolving.

Wow! What could possibly be wrong with this? (Imagine who else is using this technology...)

Marketing Company Claims That It Actually Is Listening to Your Phone and Smart Speakers to Target Ads

What would it mean for your business if you could target potential clients who are actively discussing their need for your services in their day-to-day conversations? No, it's not a Black Mirror episode—it's Voice Data, and CMG has the capabilities to use it to your business advantage.”

A marketing team within media giant Cox Media Group (CMG) claims it has the capability to listen to ambient conversations of consumers through embedded microphones in smartphones, smart TVs, and other devices to gather data and use it to target ads, according to a review of CMG marketing materials by 404 Media and details from a pitch given to an outside marketing professional. Called “Active Listening,” CMG claims the capability can identify potential customers “based on casual conversations in real time.”

Out of the goodness of their heart?

Google Just Killed Warrants That Give Police Access To Location Data

On Wednesday, Google announced it would soon change the way it would store and access users’ opt-in “Location History” in Google Maps, making the data retention period shorter, and making it impossible for the company to access it. [If the data is stored, the data is accessible. Bob] That means it will no longer respond to “geofence warrants,” a controversial legal tool used by local and federal authorities to force Google to hand over information about all users within a given location during a specific timeframe.

Because geofence warrants — also known as reverse-location searches — have the potential to implicate anyone who happens to be in the vicinity of a crime, Google’s decision to end access to location data is a major win for privacy advocates and criminal defense attorneys who have long decried these warrants.

The company confirmed the impact of the change to Forbes. A current Google employee who was not authorized to speak publicly told Forbes that along with the obvious privacy benefits of encrypting location data, Google made the move to explicitly bring an end to such dragnet location searches.

Never a cold case? An LLM (or a security expert) never forgets!

Ten Years Later, New Clues in the Target Breach


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Have 10 hours? IBM will train you in AI fundamentals - for free

To get started, create a free account on IBM's SkillsBuild learning portal. All of the following links to IBM's free AI courses require you to have created that account and logged in before you'll be able to use them.


A Skills-First Talent Strategy

This webinar offers business leaders practical, actionable advice on placing skills at the center of their talent strategies.

Tools & Techniques. Some are free…

10 Best AI Content Detector Tools

Welcome to the ultimate guide for selecting the best AI detector, a crucial tool in the digital age. In a world where originality and content authenticity are paramount, choosing the right AI detector is a decision that can make or break your success. This comprehensive guide will help you make an informed choice that will elevate your work to the next level. Let's delve into the details and find out which AI detector is most valuable in terms of accuracy, ease of use, pricing and overall experience.

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