Sunday, July 16, 2023

I have been waiting for an indication that the US has been using the technology France announced it will implement. ( )

Thousands of Russian officials to give up iPhones over US spying fears

FSB enforces crackdown on use by state officials after claiming it uncovered an espionage operation using Apple devices

… The ban on iPhones, iPad tablets and other Apple devices at leading ministries and institutions reflects growing concern in the Kremlin and the Federal Security Service spy agency over a surge in espionage activity by US intelligence agencies against Russian state institutions.

“Security officials in ministries — these are FSB employees who hold civilian positions such as deputy ministers — announced that iPhones were no longer considered safe and that alternatives should be sought,” said a person close to a government agency that has banned Apple products.

… “Officials truly believe that Americans can use their equipment for wiretapping,” said Andrey Soldatov, a Russia security and intelligence services expert. “The FSB has long been concerned about the use of iPhones for professional contacts, but the presidential administration and other officials opposed [restrictions] simply because they liked iPhones.”

I want a robot butler.

How Intelligent Automation, Service Robots, and AI Will Reshape Service Products and Their Delivery

Intelligent Automation in form of robots, smart self-service technologies, wearable technologies, software and systems such as machine learning (ML), generative artificial intelligence (AI) such as ChatGPT, and the metaverse are increasingly adopted in a wide range of customer-facing service settings. The shift toward robot- and AI-powered services will lead to improved customer experiences, service quality, and productivity all at the same time. However, these also carry ethical, fairness, and privacy risks for customers and society. In this opinion piece, we discuss the implications of the service revolution for service firms, their marketing, and their customers, and provide avenues for future research opportunities.

A topic of interest.

How to Solve Unbreakable Codes: World War II Edition; Version 202.3

We cannot imagine a life without the Internet. Cyber data security has become a main concern for anyone connected to the web. The security and privacy of information are maintained by encryption. Decryption techniques are also equally important to check the robustness of encryption. So, this paper is an exploration of the feasibility of using current technologies like Machine Learning and Blockchain concepts to break the encryptions, with special reference to the Enigma encryption.

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