Saturday, March 11, 2023

As a kid, I would have hated anything that restricted my social interactions and would have found at least a few ways around the blocks.

Utah Legislature Passes Bills Restricting Social Media Accounts for Minors

Hunton Andrews Kurth writes:

On March 1-3, 2023, the Utah legislature passed a series of bills, SB 152 and HB 311, regarding social media usage for minors. For social media companies with more than five million users worldwide, SB 152 would require parental permission for social media accounts for users under age 18, while HB 311 would hold social media companies liable for harm minors experience on the platforms. Both bills have been sent to the governor’s desk for signature.
    • SB 152: Beginning in March 2024, SB 152 would require social media companies to verify the age of a Utah resident seeking to maintain or open an account, and would require the consent of a parent or guardian before a minor under age 18 could maintain or open an account…
    • HB 311: Also effective March 2024, HB 311 would prohibit social media companies from designing their platforms in a way that “causes a minor to have an addiction to the company’s social media platform.”….[Like making it interesting? Bob]

Read more at Privacy & Information Security Law Blog.

Not too techie…

How does ChatGPT work?

Google, Wolfram Alpha, and ChatGPT all interact with users via a single line text entry field and provide text results. Google returns search results, a list of web pages and articles that will (hopefully) provide information related to the search queries. Wolfram Alpha generally provides mathematically and data analysis-related answers.

Fundamentally, Google's power is the ability to do enormous database lookups and provide a series of matches. Wolfram Alpha's power is the ability to parse data-related questions and perform calculations based on those questions. ChatGPT's power is the ability to parse queries and produce fully-fleshed out answers and results based on most of the world's digitally-accessible text-based information -- at least information that existed as of its time of training prior to 2021.

In this article, we'll look at how ChatGPT can produce those fully-fleshed out answers. We'll start by looking at the main phases of ChatGPT operation, then cover some of the core AI architecture components that make it all work.

In addition to the sources cited in this article (many of which are the original research papers behind each of the technologies), I used ChatGPT itself to help me create this backgrounder. I asked it a lot of questions. Some answers are paraphrased within the overall context of this discussion.


5 Ways Kids Can Use ChatGPT Safely

ChatGPT is open to everyone, including children, but you should take steps to help them use it safely. Here's how.


Artificial Intelligence Commission Report

  • The development of AI and the introduction of AI-based systems are growing exponentially. Over the next 10 to 20 years, virtually every business and government agency will use AI. This will have a profound impact on society, the economy, and national security.

  • Policy leaders must undertake initiatives to develop thoughtful laws and rules for the development of responsible AI and its ethical deployment.

  • A failure to regulate AI will harm the economy, potentially diminish individual rights, and constrain the development and introduction of beneficial technologies.

  • The United States, through its technological advantages, well-developed system of individual rights, advanced legal system, and interlocking alliances with democracies, is uniquely situated to lead this effort.

  • The United States needs to act to ensure future economic growth, provide for a competitive workforce, maintain a competitive position in a global economy, and provide for our future national security needs.

  • Policies to promote responsible AI must be a top priority for this and future administrations and Congresses.

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