Thursday, November 24, 2022

Is the trivial impact of the cyber attacks part of the reason we haven’t declared cyber war?

The Ukraine conflict is exposing the limits of cyber warfare — and Russian hackers

Human in the loop? What’s wrong? Should be the same rules as for individual officers, right?

SFPD authorized to kill suspects using robots in draft policy

A policy proposal heading for Board of Supervisors approval next week would explicitly authorize San Francisco police to kill suspects using robots.

The new policy, which defines how the SFPD is allowed to use its military-style weapons, was put together by the police department. Over the past several weeks, it has been scrutinized by supervisors Aaron Peskin, Rafael Mandelman and Connie Chan, who together comprise the Board of Supervisors Rules Committee.

The draft policy faces criticism from advocates for its language on robot force, as well as for excluding hundreds of assault rifles from its inventory of military-style weapons and for not including personnel costs in the price of its weapons.

Not exclusive, more about which areas to emphasize.

7 enterprise data strategy trends

Every enterprise needs a data strategy that clearly defines the technologies, processes, people, and rules needed to safely and securely manage its information assets and practices.

As with just about everything in IT, a data strategy must evolve over time to keep pace with evolving technologies, customers, markets, business needs and practices, regulations, and a virtually endless number of other priorities.

Something for AI architects to consider. (If I write an architectural design system, could I claim IP ownership of any design it produces?)

Copyrights for Architectural Imagery in the AI Era

Architecture is a referential discipline. From ziggurats, machines for living, to contemporary biophilic high-rises designs, it is impossible to know whether ideas are genuinely novel or whether they have been conceptualized before. Artificial intelligence has ignited the conversation on intellectual property (IP) even more. As millions generate unique graphic work by typing keywords, controversies have arisen, specifically concerning protecting creative work and the Copyright of architects in their creations. Therefore, understanding the scope of what is protected helps determine whether licenses are sufficient, whether trademark registration's long road is worth it; or perhaps a graphic piece cannot be protected and belongs to the public domain.

Perspective. Could these images help students remember concepts?

AI Images of Philosophers & Philosophy (guest post)

Simone Nota, a philosophy PhD student at Trinity College Dublin, has been using AI image generators to create philosophy-related images.

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