Saturday, June 11, 2022

Would you like to test drive your neighbor’s Tesla?

Gone in 130 seconds: New Tesla hack gives thieves their own personal key

Last year, Tesla issued an update that made its vehicles easier to start after being unlocked with their NFC key cards. Now, a researcher has shown how the feature can be exploited to steal cars.

Martin Herfurt, a security researcher in Austria, quickly noticed something odd about the new feature: Not only did it allow the car to automatically start within 130 seconds of being unlocked with the NFC card, but it also put the car in a state to accept entirely new keys—with no authentication required and zero indication given by the in-car display.

Only a hint. Does this suggest that AI juries are in our future?

Can AI Tools Tell Us What Juries Are Thinking?

Are jury consultants among the job categories at risk of replacement by AI? An increasing number of companies would say “yes, absolutely.”

A host of new AI tools, originally developed to analyze advertising campaigns, enhance customer service, or surveil possible suspects, has encountered an inevitable extension of use into the legal field.

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