Saturday, June 25, 2022

And it could help target smart bombs…

Your iPhone Can Be Tracked Even When It’s Powered Off

These discoveries show that most wireless chips continue to run even when your device is off. This is because your device, when turned off, still runs some components in low power mode. For up to 24 hours after you turn off your iPhone, these components have power and tracking is still active.

This is by design, so you can find your iPhone if it’s lost or stolen and gets powered off. However, some hackers with system-level access can use this to gain control of your iPhone even when it’s powered off.

Someday this will happen. What would you tell a caller who claimed to be an AI? Would you ask a judge to stop a company from turning your client off?

Google AI engineer who believes chatbot has become sentient says it's hired a lawyer

A weird situation gets weirder

Lemoine's conversations with LaMDA included the AI telling him it was afraid of death (being turned off), that it was a person aware of its existence, and that it didn't believe it was a slave as it didn't need money, leading the engineer to think it was sentient.

Google, and several AI experts, disagreed with Lemoine's beliefs. His employer was especially upset that he published conversations with LaMDA—violating company confidentiality policies—but Lemoine claims he was just sharing a discussion with one of his co-workers.

Lemoine was also accused of several "aggressive" moves, including hiring an attorney to represent LaMDA. But he told Wired this is factually incorrect and that "LaMDA asked me to get an attorney for it."

(Related) Sometimes it is easy to tell an article was NOT written by an AI.

Five Reasons AI Programs Are Not ‘Persons’


Stop debating whether AI is ‘sentient’ — the question is if we can trust it

AI, for those times you know you represent crooks? Think about how crime is detected with AI and then find a way to obfuscate?

Trends in the Use of Artificial Intelligence in White-Collar Matters

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a key emerging technology that is poised to see vastly expanded use in many areas in which white-collar criminal practitioners work. AI currently is playing a growing role in helping white-collar lawyers and their clients analyze vast amounts of data to uncover insights, connections, and patterns that would be impossible to detect through manual reviews. As AI begins playing a more important role in compliance, fraud detection, and governmental investigations, regulators in the United States and around the world are adopting rules for how AI is implemented. Courts also are weighing in on the use of AI in litigation where it is used to analyze large amounts of electronically stored information (ESI). This article provides an introduction to AI technology and discusses the key regulatory developments practitioners should be aware of as they advise their clients on AI.

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