Sunday, November 14, 2021

The downside of a clear explanation?

Transparency versus explanation: The role of ambiguity in legal AI

Dealing with opaque machine learning techniques, the crucial question has become the interpretability of the work of algorithms and their results. The paper argues that the shift towards interpretation requires a move from artificial intelligence to an innovative form of artificial communication. In many cases the goal of explanation is not to reveal the procedures of the machines but to communicate with them and obtain relevant and controlled information. As human explanations do not require transparency of neural connections or thought processes, so algorithmic explanations do not have to disclose the operations of the machine but have to produce reformulations that make sense to their interlocutors. This move has important consequences for legal communication, where ambiguity plays a fundamental role. The problem of interpretation in legal arguments, the paper argues, is not that algorithms do not explain enough but that they must explain too much and too precisely, constraining freedom of interpretation and the contestability of legal decisions. The consequence might be a possible limitation of the autonomy of legal communication that underpins the modern rule of law.

One of my favorite topics. (and a new term)


The emergence of a new category of artificial intelligence mechanisms - that of robots that replicate, from a sentimental/emotional point of view human manifestations and attitudes - is a fact that creates tensions in the classical theory of human rights from the perspective of interpreting and applying guarantees of protection with regard toprivate and family life. This paper aims to analyze, by reference to soft law instruments and representative doctrinal opinions, the possibility of recognizing the legal status of sentimental robots and the legal consequences of such formal recognition. Taking into account the particularity of sentimental robots, our analysis will give prominence to the repercussions brought by this peculiar robots on private and family life as a consequence of the possibility of granting a suis generis legal status in their favor.

Controlled predictive policing? Is it possible?

The use of AI in formulating a criminological prognosis of an offender

The article raise the issue of the use of AI (artificial intelligence) in formulating the criminological prognosis of an offender. The issue is analyzed in view of the institution of conditional early release from serving the rest of the imprisonment sentence. The authors point to several AI tools for making offender criminological predictions. An analysis of their application in various European countries shows that the question of whether their use should be considered probably ought to be replaced with the question of how to use them, so that they can actually meet the objectives set for them.

Oh, the horror!

AI Propounded To Spur Growth In Laws Thus Prompting For More Lawyers

As AI is further intertwined into the law, there are pundits suggesting that the number of laws will likely increase. For example, AI infusion will reveal existing legal gaps or loopholes, requiring additional laws to plug those omissions. If this comes to pass, it could be that we’ll also correspondingly need to have more lawyers (assuming a valid correlation exists between the number of laws and the number of lawyers, which is an open question).


Cathie Wood just called this technology the 'next big frontier' with a market opportunity of $80 trillion — here are 3 easy ways to invest in it

Tools & Techniques. Another way to challenge students?

The 8 Best Online AI Tools for Content Creation

With these AI-powered tools, you can cut down on a lot of time and frustration when creating content for your online business.

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