Thursday, December 24, 2020

The first, but according to my crystal ball, not the last.

First Cross-Border GDPR Fine Comes In; Twitter Will Pay €450,000

Bringing an end to a case that was nearly two years in the making, Twitter will pay a GDPR fine of €450,000 (about $546,000) in the first cross-border enforcement action brought against a tech giant.

The fine stems from a data breach discovered back in January 2019, involving a bug that exposed certain protected tweets to the general public that was believed to have been in place since late 2014.

For the true AI geeks.

AI Debate 2: Night of a thousand AI scholars

A year ago, Gary Marcus, a frequent critic of deep learning forms of AI, and Yoshua Bengio, a leading proponent of deep learning, faced off in a two-hour debate about AI at Bengio's MILA institute headquarters in Montreal.

Wednesday evening, Marcus was back, albeit virtually, to open the second installment of what is now planned to be an annual debate on AI, under the title "AI Debate 2: Moving AI Forward." (You can follow the proceedings from 4 pm to 7 pm on's Facebook page.)

Each of the sixteen speakers spoke for roughly five minutes about their focus and what they believed AI needs. Marcus compiled a nice reading packet you can check from each of the scholars as background.

Lawyers getting all techie… I suppose it’s better than us techies getting all lawyerly.

5 (Unforeseeable, Predicable, And Surprising) Legal Tech Trends In 2020

I have identified five trends, which I have divided into three categories: unforeseeable, continuing and surprising.

The trends I believe are worth noting — Unforeseeable: COVID-19 impacts; Predicable: state court analytics and innovative workflow tools; Surprising: legal news re-emerges as a competitive focus among major legal publishers and tech marketplaces emerge.


20 striking findings from 2020

As 2020 draws to a close, here are 20 striking findings from Pew Research Center’s studies this year, covering the pandemic, race-related tensions, the presidential election and other notable trends that emerged during the year.

For us math geeks.

The Year in Math and Computer Science

Even as mathematicians and computer scientists proved big results in computational complexity, number theory and geometry, computers proved themselves increasingly indispensable in mathematics.

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