Monday, July 13, 2020

I can recommend a few (dozen) SciFi novels that predict the same thing.
Op-ed: Hyperwar is coming. America needs to bring AI into the fight to win — with caution
Hyperwar, or combat waged under the influence of AI, where human decision making is almost entirely absent from the observe-orient-decide-act (OODA) loop, already is beginning to intrude on military operations.

A cyber attack worse than Covid? Interesting summary of the cross-connections.
Australia's Digital Trust Report
The economic impact the COVID-19 pandemic has placed on our economy has yet to be fully measured. It is not clear if Australia could have survived a sustained, serious or scaled digital disruption at the same time as the economic ‘hibernation’ caused by the pandemic.
A series of sophisticated cyber attacks on Australia’s critical digital infrastructure during the work from home period of the COVID-19 pandemic, and any similar future pandemic or domestic crisis, would only highlight the extent of Australia’s now critical economic dependency in the digital domain.

How to steal AI patents?
Artificial Intelligence Can’t Patent Inventions: So What?
The USPTO’s recent landmark decision (16/524,350) concluding artificial intelligence (AI) cannot be a named patent inventor perhaps sparked fears of super-robots inventing critical technologies that, alas, receive no patent protection.
This article explains why the USPTO’s decision doesn’t preclude patentability of AI-assisted inventions and identifies questions IOT innovators must consider to best position themselves as AI evolves.

10 Ways AI Is Transforming Enterprise Software
If you are currently in the market for almost any kind of enterprise software, you will almost certainly run across at least one vendor claiming that its product includes artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities. Of course, some of these claims are no more than marketing hyperbole, or "AI washing." However, in many cases, software makers truly are integrating new capabilities related to analytics, vision, natural language, or other areas that deserve the AI label.
The market researchers at IDC have gone so far as to call AI "inescapable." According to the firm, "By 2025, at least 90% of new enterprise apps will embed artificial intelligence."
Similarly, Omdia | Tractica predicted that worldwide revenue from AI software will climb from $10.1 billion in 2018 to $126.0 billion in 2025, led in large part by advancements in deep learning technology. It added, "Tractica believes the global market has entered a new era where AI is viewed as an essential technology to driving improvements in quality, efficiency, and speed."

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