Sunday, January 26, 2020

Student surveillance will not solve all security risks.
New surveillance AI can tell schools where students are and where they’ve been
Not all AI being used by schools is facial recognition. That doesn’t mean the tech doesn’t come with privacy risks.

Something for my Architecture students to consider.
Operationalizing AI
… One of the unique things about an AI project versus a traditional application development project is that there isn’t the same build / test / deploy / manage order of operations. Rather there are two distinct phases of operation: a “training” phase and an “inference” phase. The training phase involves the selection of one or more machine learning algorithms, the identification and selection of appropriate, clean, well-labeled data, the application of the data to the algorithm along with hyperparameter configurations to create an ML model, and then the validation and testing of that model to make sure that it can generalize properly without too much overfitting of training data or underfitting for generalization. All of those steps comprise just the training phase of an AI project.

When IP creates IP...
Is Intellectual Property Law Ready for Artificial Intelligence?
The point that Artificial Intelligence (AI) will change the law is trite and obvious by now. How it will change the law, and how the law will change AI, are much harder questions to answer, however. Most of the hard questions arise when what I have elsewhere called an ‘autonomy threshold’ has been crossed.1

Imagine the insurance premiums for a completely unsafe vehicle!
New Safety Gizmos Are Making Car Insurance More Expensive
The high cost of repairing sensor-packed vehicles outpaces the savings from fewer crashes.

Where U.S. presidential candidates stand on breaking up Big Tech

Could be useful.
The Ultimate JavaScript Cheat Sheet

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