Saturday, May 18, 2019

Some sanity breaks out in California?
Ding Dong the CCPA Private Right of Action is (Mostly) Dead!
there is some good news about the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) this Friday afternoon! SB 561 appears to have (mostly) died in the Senate Appropriations Committee during a hearing held yesterday.

I’m thinking this is a game anyone can play. I wonder what my students would come up with? Or if they would agree with these…
New laws of robotics needed to tackle AI – expert
The world has changed since sci-fi author Asimov in 1942 wrote his three rules for robots, including that they should never harm humans, and today's omnipresent computers and algorithms demand up-to-date measures.
According to Pasquale, author of "The Black Box Society: The Secret Algorithms Behind Money and Information", four new legally-inspired rules should be applied to robots and AI in our daily lives.
"The first is that robots should complement rather than substitute for professionals"
"The second is that we need to stop robotic arms races.
The third, and most controversial, rule is not to make humanoid robots or AI
The fourth and final law is that any robot or AI should be "attributable to or owned by a person or a corporation made of persons

This may be true in the minds of certain lawyers, but I rather doubt it.
Technology Is as Biased as Its Makers
From exploding Ford Pintos to racist algorithms, all harmful technologies are a product of unethical design. Yet, like car companies in the ’70s, today’s tech companies would rather blame the user.

Pretty clear what I’ll be teaching…
Microsoft aims to train and certify 15,000 workers on AI skills by 2022
Microsoft is investing in certification and training for a range of AI-related skills in partnership with education provider General Assembly, the companies announced this morning. The goal is to train some 15,000 people by 2022 in order to increase the pool of AI talent around the world. The training will focus on AI, machine learning, data science, cloud and data engineering and more.

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