Friday, May 12, 2023

Texas privacy. Is that an oxymoron?

Texas Legislature Passes Texas Data Privacy and Security Act

On May 10, 2023, the Texas Senate passed H.B. 4, also known as the Texas Data Privacy and Security Act (“TDPSA”). The TDPSA now heads to Texas Governor Greg Abbott for a final signature. If the TDPSA is signed into law, Texas could become the tenth state to enact comprehensive privacy legislation.

Has AI become more human like or have humans learned to mimic AI?

AI Content Detectors Don’t Work, and That’s a Big Problem

AI content detectors are specialized tools that determine whether something was written by a computer program or a human. If you just Google the words "AI content detector," you'll see there are dozens of detectors out there, all claiming they can reliably differentiate between human and non-human text.

The way they work is fairly simple: you paste a piece of writing, and the tool tells you whether it was generated by AI or not. In more technical terms, using a combination of natural language processing techniques and machine learning algorithms, AI content detectors look for patterns and predictability, and make calls based on that.

This sounds great on paper, but if you've ever used an AI detection tool, you know very well they are hit-and-miss, to put it mildly. More often than not, they detect human-written content as AI, or text created by human beings as AI-generated. In fact, some are embarrassingly bad at what they're supposed to do.

Start acquiring them now? (Or find an AI that can help you fake it.)

Here are the top skills you will need for an ‘A.I.-powered future,’ according to new Microsoft data

Working alongside artificial intelligence will be “as inherent” as how we work with the internet — and employees need to equip themselves with skills for this new future.

That is according to Microsoft’s new Work Trend Index report, which surveyed 31,000 people across 31 markets between February and March 2023.

According to Microsoft, 82% of leaders globally and 85% of leaders in Asia Pacific said employees will need new skills in an “AI-powered future.”

The report found that the three top skills that leaders believe are essential are analytical judgment, flexibility and emotional intelligence.

These are skills that are “new core competencies,” added Microsoft, not just for technical roles or AI experts.

Amusing (and educational?)

The Moral Machine - Could AI Outshine Us in Ethical Decision-Making?

There has been a lot of hand-wringing and gnashing of teeth about the dangers of AI. Artificial Intelligence is going to be the end of us all, apparently. But is this inevitable? Can’t we create ethical AI which strictly adheres to ethical principles and will only benefit mankind? Philosophers have been debating ethics for thousands of years, can they provide a set of rules for AI to follow? Let’s investigate…

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