Thursday, December 15, 2022

At what point should you be locked out of your car? Should we include a mental health check?


The 2021 Infrastructure Act mandates that the US Department of Transportation issue a rule requiring the creation and implementation of monitoring systems to deter drivers impaired by alcohol, inattention, or drowsiness. The Department of Transportation (DOT) must establish a Federal mandatory motor vehicle safety standard to “passively monitor a motor vehicle driver’s performance to accurately detect if the driver may be impaired.” (“Advanced Drunk and Impaired Driving Prevention Technology,” Sec. 24220(b)(1)(A)(i)). Details in the statute are sparse; the DOT’s rule will likely establish many practical and technical details that the statute does not address.

Among the actions required under the 2021 law, the DOT is required to set a safety standard for the use of blood alcohol detection technology within three years, after which vehicle manufacturers will have between two-three years to install the systems in all new passenger motor vehicles manufactured after the effective date. In practice, such systems will be required for all new vehicles beginning November 2026, although they could be rolled out sooner. DOT’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) will lead the rulemaking.

I thought we would have seen many more ‘end of year’ summaries by now. Perhaps everyone is waiting for their AI to write the articles?

AI Year-In-Review Roundup And Analysis Along With Pearls And Perils Entailing AI Ethics And AI Law

Here for your edification are the topmost AI trends and breakthroughs along with an especially honed look at the progress and perils regarding AI Ethics and AI Law. I’ll be walking you through my Forbes column coverage for all of 2022 and highlighting the big-time headline-grabbing AI proclamations and consternations.

Will this become a minimum standard for lawyers and doctors?

Riana Pfefferkorn on End-to-End Encryption for iPhone Backups to iCloud

LawFare Podcast: “Last week, Apple made an announcement about some new security features it would be offering to users. One of those features involves users’ ability to opt in to encryption for iPhone backups to iCloud. While this new feature will enhance data privacy and security for those users who choose to opt in, it may create additional challenges for law enforcement to obtain evidence in criminal investigations. To discuss the implications and potential impact of this new security feature, Lawfare senior editor Stephanie Pell sat down with Riana Pfefferkorn, research scholar at the Stanford Internet Observatory. They discussed the costs and benefits to users who may choose to opt in to this feature, how Apple’s choice to offer this feature plays into a broader conflict known as the Crypto Wars, and how this feature relates to another part of Apple’s announcement where it indicated that it would not be scanning all iPhones for child sexual abuse material before images were backed up to iCloud.”

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