Monday, October 10, 2022

I must be misinterpreting some of this...

The Digital Markets Act for Privacy Professionals

This post is the first of a series of blog posts about the Digital Markets Act (“DMA”), which was adopted on July 18, 2022, and it deals specifically with those provisions of the DMA that are relevant to organizations’ privacy programs.

The DMA sets out the following obligations and restrictions on gatekeepers that are relevant to compliance with privacy rules:

  1. it restricts the GDPR legal bases gatekeepers may rely on to process personal data in certain cases;

  2. it prohibits the processing of certain data generated or received from other businesses or their end users for the purpose of competing with other businesses;

  3. it requires the sharing of end users’ personal data with businesses operating on a gatekeeper’s platform, and with advertising companies the gatekeeper works with, at their request;

  4. it requires gatekeepers to port end users’ data at their request; and

  5. it requires gatekeepers to share independently audited information about profiling techniques with the European Commission.

Below we explain these obligations and prohibitions in more detail.

Is this too unique to set a useful precedent?

Dutch employee fired by U.S. firm for shutting off webcam awarded €75,000 in court

… He worked for the American firm for over a year and a half, but on 23 August he was ordered to take part in a virtual training period called a "Corrective Action Program." He was told that during the period he would have to remain logged in for the entire workday with screen-sharing turned on and his webcam activated.

The telemarketing worker replied back two days later, “I don't feel comfortable being monitored for 9 hours a day by a camera. This is an invasion of my privacy and makes me feel really uncomfortable. that's the reason why my camera isn't on. You can already monitor all activities on my laptop and I am sharing my screen.” He was summarily fired on 26 August, for “refusal to work” and “insubordination.”

I admit I know very little about crypto…

The 5 Best Podcasts to Learn More About Cryptocurrency

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